The gender wage gap by education in Italy
This paper studies the gender wage gap by educational attainment in Italy using the 1994–2001 ECHP data. We estimate wage distributions in the presence of
Ci impegniamo a formare e informare in modo continuativo tanto le specialiste e gli specialisti quanto il grande pubblico, perché l’obiettivo della gender equality è in primo luogo una sfida culturale.
“Non posso insegnare niente, posso solo fare pensare”
This paper studies the gender wage gap by educational attainment in Italy using the 1994–2001 ECHP data. We estimate wage distributions in the presence of
D.P.R. 251/2012 Scarica .pdf
This Guidance Note addresses major changes in global norms and aid modalities within the current development context Provides general principles for implementing gender mainstreaming at
The paper estimates the gender wage gap in Italy, taking into account two salient features of the economy: the low rate of women’s labour market
Direttiva 2013/36/UE Scarica .pdf
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